Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A shawn carter retirement from triathlon...

Yeah so I think I am going to take a hiatus from triathlon for a while.  Ok ok, so I am not going to sit around and get fat.  I am still planning on running and biking and swimming because I enjoy it; I just dont think I need to fly around the country to do it anymore.  

Its a weird place to be honestly.  Personally, I never thought I would ever race as a pro triathlete.  I had a good year in 2011 and was contacted by now good friend Stephen Wright who was thinking of starting a pro development team, Off The Front Multisport, and putting me on it.  Seemed like a fun thing to do so I got my pro card and have had 3 fun years racing.  I've had the opportunity to travel around the country, make friends with homestays, and race against some really fast broskies.  

The big change was that last week I defended my PhD in chemical engineering.  Honestly, the last 8 years of my life has had a very simple foundation--studying chemical engineering.  It was the main focus in my life and triathlon training fit nicely on top of everything by providing structure and escape from study.  Now that this portion of my life, this foundation, is in transition, my overbearing external hobby, triathlon, has come to seem superfluous.  

Don't be fooled, I am not giving up who I am.  I've always enjoyed being active, being outside, and pushing myself.  Triathlon is a well designed outlet for these personality traits but ultimately it is only a vessel.  I will keep these traits consistent with who I am.

This summer I am hoping to spend more time in the mountains of Colorado, to take a long trip to Montana, and to go on a bike trip with my Dad.  All things that under the harsh constraints of training and racing, I have not had the opportunity to get out and do.  

Moving forward?  Since high school I have wanted to be a scientist, motivated to work on some of the tough problems facing humanity, things like energy resources, climate change, and the policy that drives them.  Now that I have finished school, I am closer than ever to getting to work in the career I've sought from day one.  

"Dreams are the touchstones of our character" -Henry David Thoreau

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